Waffle Exclusive at Howbert & Mays

Not long after moving home to Dublin, I learnt of Howbert & Mays from a wonderful client, at her home overlooking the sea in Blackrock; I explained I had just moved back from London and I was excited to get to know Dublin again, this shop was top on her list! During the haze of my maternity leave that followed I meandered through Howbert & Mays shops in Airfield & Monkstown thinking how well that lady knew!

Fast forward a couple of years, I’m enjoying a balmy breeze in the garden amid the slowness of Covid; I was embroidering for the first time in quite a while and I shared a post on instagram saying just as much. Anthea at Howbert & Mays happened upon the post at just that time and enquired about potentially stocking WAFFLE. The excitement grew all the more when I learnt this was intended for their newest venture; the new interiors & plant store soon to open in the iconic old Green’s bookstore on Clare street in Town.

We confirmed rug colour combinations on the roof terrace in Monkstown on a sunny afternoon in September 2020. The wait that followed grew longer through Covid and seemed at times never ending. Receiving production updates was surreal, learning of the challenges my suppliers were faced with daily. Obviously those updates framed another perspective and my own lockdown experience here paled in comparison.

Eventually nearly a full year on from our initial discussions the order arrived; 4 sizes of rugs in multiple colour options, all individually embroidered, labelled and packaged with care. Now sitting quietly in the serenity of the Clare Street store, taking pride of place presented alongside a stunning curation of textiles and artwork.

Those who now own a special edition Howbert & Mays ~ WAFFLE rug have a one off piece like no other.

Ciara McGarrity